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Weight Loss with Mounjaro is interesting

When I lost weight with the Lapband, it was pretty cut and dried.  When I followed the rules, I lost weight.  When I didn't, or couldn't, I didn't.

I'm trying to use the same rules with Moujaro -- eat protein first.  Avoid high carb foods and save them for last.

With Mounjaro, I seem to lose weight when I take a dose, and further days from the dose, I either don't lose or gain, slightly.

The other frustrating part, is that I don't seem to be changing clothing sizes even though I have lost about 20 pounds.  That is the most frustrating part.



Sleep is driving me crazy

It doesn't help with I read about research that says sleep causes Type 2 diabetes.

I have been dealing with sleep apnea for over 20 years.  Long before being diagnosed with diabetes.  One early theory was that when I broke my jaw in a car accident that caused my sleep apnea.  That means that it was untreated for about 20 years.  My doctor tends to forget that until I want to try something other than CPAP.  Otherwise, it get buried in the chart.

I have been struggling with my CPAP mask for a while.  We've tried several different ones.  The one I have is the best.

The worse part, is that when I have a bad night, it tends to make the next night even worse.  If I am too tired or not tired enough, I wake up a lot, and then the mask ends up off.  

I have been to sleep therapy, with two different people.  The last one had some good tools which I have been using, but she has also belittled the stress in my life.  I know I shouldn't be stressed about the things I stress about but is just how I am.

I've had a bad night just about every night this week.  If I go to sleep at a "reasonable" time, I wake up in the middle of the night.

Omnipod 5 - current techology

As I said in my reintroduction post, I’ve been through a bunch of pumps.

2 different Animas

3 different Medtronics

Omnipod Dash - using both their mode and PDM and looping using my iPhone.

now Omnipod 5

Yes, I’m probably Type 2, maybe with a bunded out panacreas, but I also have a binge eathing disorder.  I haven’t talked about it much, mostly because of the guilt associated it with it.

But I’ve had an A1C under 7:0 most of my diabetic life, and I attribute that to pumping.  There is no medication — except maybe the new GLP-1s that could handle that.

Nothing satisfies what cause me to binge than high carb items.  I try protein but at those quantities, I still needed insulin.

Pumping was the easiest solution.  The key is to get the ratios correct so you aren’t eating to the insulin.  it does result in weight gain.  But binging does.

I went to the Omnipod 5 back in March, even though it wasn’t approved by the FDA —most of my pumps have not been approved for Type 2.  It is approved though as of end of August 2024.  There were two reasons I went to the Omnipod 5 — nighttime lows and fights between the looping developers.  Both my endocrinologist and I more comfortable with an FDA approved solultion.  

I left Medtronic, as I got a pump that was advised to be the first artificial pancreas but they woudn’t give me the model I purchased because I was a Type 2.  Before that, I had an endo who would prescribe off label, but he retired.  He probably would have fough for it.  

I had been hesitant to go to the Omnipod Dash, even though it was approved for Type 2, because I had heard so many issues with the adhesive.  I really haven’t had issues though, and it is actually easier to do the Omnipod than an insertion set.  I have a severa needle phobia and a lot of the insertions sets triggered that.

I am in the process of transitition from the Dexcom G6 to the Dexcom G7 — I had worn that G7 for about a year without issues, but had to go back to the Dexcom G6 when I went to the Omnipod 5.  I’m on my third pod and I do have a Dexcom G6 sensor and transmitter just in case.  The transmitter expires in two week, so there is that.

I did have some issues with the first box and three of the pods had to be replaced.  They weren’t connecting to the system.

I have been able to get Omnipod 5 G6/G7 pods from Amazon Pharmacy. 

I’m using Lyumjev with the Omnipod, which burns the first three or four boluses, but gets better pretty quickly.  I don’t notice it with basal doses.  I had the same issue with Fiasp.  I haven’t noticed any burning with Novolog, but my insurance doesn’t cover it, and I haven’t wanted to go to Humalog.

Anniversary - 22 years in

I was diagnosed with diabetes 22 years ago this month. 

I have gone through 5 primary care doctors. 4 endocrinologists. 7 insulin pump systems, lap band surgery, 3 Glp-1 medications, 2 cardiologists, 3 lap band doctors, an obesity doctor , two many weight loss programs to count and 2 social workers.  4 CGMs systems  

I had a binge eating disorder and sleep apnea before diagnosis.  I still have them. In fact, my sleep is the worst it has been and I have been through 3 rounds of therapy. 

Mounjaro made a huge difference for me.  I saw some good small changes with Victoria and Ozempic and Mounjaro is helping me lose weight. 

Currently I am at the gym  I have been through a bunch of those too   Right now, I am loving LifeTime Fitness and am there now  

i am doing various forms of cardio and weight training   I use Arnold’s “The Pump Club” for that  


Got a new endo!

I have been stressing as my endo left the practice in November and I hate not having one. I think my PCP would be able to write the scripts but they aren't used to the hoops the PBMs make them jump through.

Also going to try Mounjara which we have been wanting to do.

Sent from my iPhone

Cooktop isn't being installed today

I bought a new gas cooktop the day after Thanksgiving and everything has conspired to keep it from getting here.

They were holding it until the rest of my appliances came in.  I didn’t know I had to get the installation scheduled first.  Every communication has been interesting.

Well, it was scheduled for tomorrow, and then had to be moved up.  This morning, the installer called to tell me he had to postpone indefinitely, one of his crew is sick and has to go to the doctor.  He has to get well and cleared until it can be scheduled.

So I’m not completely crazy — if you let me know what is going on, I don’t get upset.  It’s just when you tell me something is going to happen and it doesn’t, I get crazy.  

What do want to bet he wants to do it Friday when I have a doctor’s appointment?  Well, husband can open the door and let them in.

GardenCup - Huge disappointment

I am deeply disappointed.  I really liked the idea of Gardencup.  They are a local business that packages salads, chia puddings, protein cups and other items.  They do ship around the country.

I got email today and text messages indicating my order would be delivered.  it’s not here.  They didn’t send their usual delivery emails.

I just canceled next weeks delivery and will be putting this week’s delivery charge in dispute with the credit card company.

Huge disappointment and I’m said because I found some healthy food I liked.

I have had some qualms — I took 4 boxes back to them and all the cups and discovered they are in a “ghost kitchen”. Better than in someone’s house, and probably the most cost effective way to start a food business but did feel like they were in for the long term.

Good weekend

I’ve been avoiding being in the car for long trips.  In fact, I turned down my husband when he wanted to go on a long driving trip and I turned down the beagle people and my family for the National Speciality.

I decided I needed to work up to it.  I entered a dog show in Belton, two and half hours away, then two days the next weekend knowing that most beagle people would be in Virginia and that most beagle people know what is going on.

The first weekend, Obi won WInner’s Dog and Best of Variety Owner Handler.  We stayed for the OH groups.  That meant we left at 6:30 am and got back at almost 7:00 pm.

The weekend, Obi won Winner’s Dog, Best of Variety, and Best of Variety Owner Handler and went into both rings twice.  He wasn’t really wild about it, but was happy to meet new friends.   We left at 7:00 am this time and got back around 6:00 pm both days.

So long, sitting, standing, and walking days.

I’m no more stiff than I am any other morning.  My back isn’t bothering me at all though my knee is, I’ve been dealing with that for decades.

I think he is 16 points with one major, just needing the major.

The handler we competed against this weekend was gracious and said he was glad I showed up, even though Obi won all the things.

Major Scale Victory

I got my lapband in 2009.  I do not recommend.

I weight 320 pounds according to their scale, day of surgery.  I know I weighed more than that at one point.

Today, I weighed 219.2.  I have been doing Profile by Sanford, and have resolved two heart conditions.  I am using very little insulin but I am on Ozempic and Farziga.