Virginia Trip

Weaver’s Rules of Getting Her Own Way

I love Alfred Thompson – I swear most of my blog posts come from his ideas.  Makes writing SO much easier.

So here’s my rules for getting your own way when it comes to teaching.

  • Remember that being a quiet drop of water on rock will get you farther than if you rant and rave (though there is a time for that too).
  • Take a page from Grace Hopper – it is easier to apologize than get permission. 
  • Never ask a question that you haven’t provided an answer for.  In fact, that’s my favorite technique, ask a question, and provide an answer to the question.  Nine times out of time, administration is to busy to give an alternative.
  • Have at least two plans of action:  Example:  I didn’t have enough enrollment for a full classroom teacher this year, and I needed to come up with something to do for at least two class periods.  Admin. wanted me free those three class periods but this economy and a new boss, I was afraid I’d be first to fire in that situation.  I gave them about three alternatives, and the one they picked was a win-win for both me and the school.  (See prior post)
  • In matter what position you are given, pretend that it WAS your idea, embrace it full heartedly and find a way to shine.  Remember that it’s only 9 months out of your life, and that they will go long before you – that works really well at my school the longest we’ve had a principal is 4 years.  In the meantime, polish your resume and network just in case they don’t go away.
  • Last but most important, always make them think it was their idea.  Don’t every worry about ownership.  In fact, that’s clicker training 101 – positively reinforce them for stealing your ideas.


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