It is anything like I expected and it's been a good thing. We're half way through the camp experience and I'm really enjoying (and am really going to enjoy the pay afterwards).
First of all, we don't get the same girls every day. We've had one that has come every single day and we've had some that have come most. At our most active, we had 12 girls. Yesterday was our smallest at 4. I don't get that. If my mother could have sent my sister and/or I somewhere every Monday - Thursday from 8:30 - 12:30, she'd have done it gladly, and we're free and we feed them breakfast and lunch. My mother would have been in ecstasy. Love my mother, but she was good at farming us out. We spent weeks each summer with her parents and went to several Vacation Bible Schools.
We are supported by a group called "Big Thought", they gather the students, take attendance and bring them to us each day. Well, occasionally they get busy and they send us the girls. They also pick them up.
I usually show off something cool at the start of class based on a question I got asked the day before. We are doing Alice and I've shown them how to get a character to juggle a ball -- based on when a girl asked me how to get the characters to play a sport. I've shown them how to drown the ice skater and make her skate forever, based on a girl wanting to do that in her story. Also taught them how to record their voices and how to download sounds -- I think I need to do that again.
My original curriculum was to have them journal but we've dropped that since not seeing the same people every day didn't make much sense. I am hoping to do a web page and to have them make a movie, but that's going to be hard with the rotating schedule. Alice is hard enough, but we're doing it.
I love the schedule, I get up early (okay, later would be nice), and I'm done at 10:30. I have been working at Buckner after but I'm on a break from that, and I have the rest of the day to do whatever I want.