Blog Entry dated 6/12/2009 11:09 PM
June 12, 2009
I remember why I hate new phones....
Getting them configured so they fit.
The Fuze is very different from the Tilt. Not as many buttons, and has something called TouchFlo 3d.
I love TodayAgenda - It's a plug that shows your Tasks and Appointments in a very organized way. However, with TouchFlo 3D, it didn't work.
However, there is something called Second Today that makes switching from Touch Flo 3d back and worth very easy. Love it.
Also the slider is on the other side, and doesn't Tilt. My previous HTC worked the same way, so it shouldn't take long to get used to it.
I've got necessary accessories on the way, extra stylus, screen protectors, extra batteries and a cradle. When I travel I always run out of juice!
Also finally have my Bluetooth stuff working with.