I've been putting this off. Yeah, it has nothing to do with diabetes. Even less with dog agility. However, it does have something to do with teaching, especially after CBS news last night. They did a story about how school districts recruit in other countries. And yes, my school district has been recruiting, mostly Spanish speakers who can teach.
Here's my problem with immigration (and out-sourcing). Many of the employers who actively recruit immigrants, my school district included, say they do it because they can't find American workers. That is SO much BS. The reason they can't find American workers is because they are not offering competitive pay or because they are offering substandard working conditions.
And that is SO true of my district. I've been teaching 14 years and have a master's and make just under $50,000. However, I have a Master's in CECS (Computer Education and Cognitive Studies) and a BS in Computer Science. Anyway care to guess what I might be able to make on the open job market as a curriculum designer? I will admit one of the biggest reasons I stay are the benefits.
And the working conditions. The building I work in is over 50 years old. Cleaning as at a substandard level which aggravates my allergies. The temperature control is non-existant, and the building is either so hot I'm having to wake up students or so could we're all wearing sweaters -- IN AUGUST. Though I'd rather be in the sweater state.
Class sizes are too big. Almost all of my class sizes were over 30 students last year, only one fewer than 20 (and that was an AP class).
I have a little story to relate, which will tell you exactly what happens to the teachers that get recruited from other countries. I worked as a computer programmer in Yazoo City, Mississippi, my first year out of college. Made $16,000, but I paid $150 rent for a 3 bedroom apartment. After working there for a year, TI recruited me to come and live in Dallas. They paid me $24,000, but I couldn't find an efficiency apartment for less than $500 a month! Then I couldn't figure out why I couldn't get ahead, but grocery prices, clothing prices and gasoline prices were higher (car expenses stayed about the same). Can you imagine how it must work for someone working in Columbia? Or the Phillipines?
What is worse yet, is the one who really take advantage of the illegal immigrants. I've seen news reports of how they will work as day laborers at car washes, get paid in tips only, or worse yet, get their tips taken from them and sent away empty handed. I do believe that we need to crack down on the companies who purposely hire illegals and shut them down and send the employers to jail. And not one of our nice ones either.
I do believe in immigration -- gee, I'd say over 50% of my students are immigrants themselves, and not all legal either. But LEGAL immigration.