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April 2021

Yesterday was interesting

I’ve been losing weight, eating less carbs, and as a result I need less insulin.

In fact, my basal insulin was down to 4.5 units a day and I was only bolusing for food more than 10 carbs and the random correction.

I wasn’t losing weight this week so I turned off almost all the basal insulin — I’m doing .05 units a day so I can keep the Omnipod running.

That seemed to help, until Friday happened.

Friday I was working in my new office (new to me), and got cold.  Also probably should have drank a shake.  Even though I got a sweatshirt, I was approaching 90 with a down arrow after 11:30.

I’ve gone low before when I got cold, didn’t know that could happen when I didn’t have insulin on board.  I literally didn’t have any insulin in my body.

Anyway, I drank a Profile shake and walked around for a bit, which is counter intuitive but it solves the being cold problem.  That seemed to fix it but I still want an answer from my endo.

I’m not sure she understands the question, so I keep pushing.

Pfizer - 6 month followup

Want to know the biggest side effect from the vaccine?

You have to talk about it -- did I mention I was in the Covid study?

Anyway, I went in for my 6 month follow up -- had to sign new forms, give two large vials of blood, and get an appointment for the one year follow up.

It's crazy because the first blood draw was horrible and the two after have been easy.