Really Pleased with Profile by Sanford
December 31, 2020
I have lost 5 pounds since I joined Profile. I like it so much I signed up for a full year, and got some price breaks.
I’m on their very low carb diet. It’s 4 protein shakes, a protein bar, a fiber drink. Lunch is at least 2 cups of vegetables and a fat. Dinner is 3oz of protein, 2 oz of fat, and at least 2 cups of vegetables.
I have been able to reduce my insulin usage from 45 units a day to 25 units a day. My time in range is over 80% from around 60%.
Am I 100% perfect every day? No, but I shrug and try to do better the next time period. Screw up lunch, that’s fine, try again next time period.
I saw the full center yesterday and I’m not sure how they are making it. I do know that the center itself has trouble keeping tenants — hope the rent is reasonable. They were set up to have at least 6 counselors/sales people working there.
The nice thing is that Profile is set up to be done remote. Few of the food has to be cold or frozen.
They do have plans for men, pregnant or lactating women.
They do give benefits to referrals, so please tell them I sent you.