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Trip is going well #T2DOC
Have I lost weight?

What I learned from this trip

This trip was probably one of my most successful.  At no point, did I wish I had something that was stuck at home (well, maybe my shower).

I had all the diabetes supplies I needed.  I had the food I needed.  If I ate the wrong food, it was my choice, not because I didn’t have it.  I did have a planned refill trip.

I kept my dogs crated as far from the other dogs as possible.  That was easy, because the show committee had given us a “no bitch in season” crating area and I was the only person who used it most of the week.  Of course, we won’t know if that worked for a few days.  Last year, Dulce didn’t start coughing until we got home.

I had a full set of diabetes equipment in the car.  I had one set of emergency supplies in the bag I had with me. 

This has nothing to do with the trip, but I need to be better at managing the expiration dates of my diabetes equipment.

Off to unpack and organize my house.
