Service Dog Victory–Yoga
January 23, 2016
I have been doing Yoga since we got back from the cruise and of course, Dulce has been accompanying me. We had some issues, other participants didn’t realize that the heat wasn’t harmful. Even had to get a letter from the vet.
She handles the yoga fine, just like everything. If my blood is fine, she naps, otherwise she is aggitated.
We went through the same progression there as we have everything else – started out with her in the cage, now she’s got her own mat and she’s on leash – though I think I’ll take a towel next time. Your average dog bed is pretty heat retaining. By the way, the only time she’s off leash is at home and at dog agility -- one of our issues.
Also by the way, I’ve been working on our taxes, and my income is sufficient for me to live on if I had to – one of my goals throughout my adult life. I’ve only had a few time periods – when I went back to school to get my teaching certificate and the last few months when that wasn’t true.