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June 2014

A1C is up

Though Endo excused it. Said it was a miracle it wasn't higher after all the crap I'd been put though by the school district.

He's happy about the new job too. Agrees any job that is so tough I need Dulce with me, isn't worth it.

If I can't control my blood sugar at this job, we agreed to consider disability.

Frankly I think it will be fine. I'm good at all day dev things.

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Dulce is NOT going to work with me

One of the things that my insomnia counselor and I discovered, was that taking Dulce everywhere was very stressful for me and we decided that coping with her and the public wasn't do me a lot of good.

She still goes to the gym and the endo's office. He would fire me as a patient if she didn't come.  The gym people love her and she does help.  She'll stop a work out early and my blood sugar will be the same as if I had done the full workout. 

I don't go low there.

We also decided if the work environment was such that I couldn't manage my diabetes on my own -- that wasn't the right work environment for me.  Besides, I use a CGMS.

I mentioned the diabetes and the dog to the recruiter today and she wants me to disclose right off.  I want to wait a bit.  I don't like being known as the diabetic and most of the time do fine without the dog.

Cardio workouts have been an issue since day one.

Weight Loss

Its official.  I have lost 60 pounds since my lap band surgery.

It hasn’t been easy. If you can do it any other way, do it.

At the time I decided to go for my surgery, I was gaining 10 pounds a month. Job stress was the primary cause. By the way, no job is worth that.  Next time I am quitting the job.  Ended up doing it anyway and not in a good way.

I still have some eating problems and have found new ways of dealing with them.  Binging on potato chips over three days, rather at one sitting.  Learning to avoid stress causing activity.  Learning how to take care of myself. Doing things for me, more than others, and knowing what is good for me.

It is a learning process.

I have a long way to go, but its better.

Tracy Morgan’s Crash

I never let myself get caught in a massive line of traffic, especially at the end, because a teacher I worked with 20 years ago died the same way.

I was bring a group of kids home from a Robotics competition when we about to be caught in a line of traffic and I immediately got off the highway.  Freaked them out a bit – but I told them what happened to Ms Meriweather, and I hope they remember it.  I get off soon as possible and use my GPS to find an alternative route.

I didn’t know for sure, but I’m told that she got hit driving a small car, by a truck, in a line of cars in Fort Worth.  Supposedly her body was burned beyond recognition.  Happened on the first day of spring break.

I sure hope they came out of okay, though I know one didn’t.  I never liked Tracy Morgan on SNL, but it hasn’t been good since the Blue Brothers.  And the music is always a mistake.

I really liked him on Tanked though, and thought he was really funny about sharks.

Am I the only who cries when trees die?

I am always surprised when I do.

I also get really made when someone runs a car into a tree, especially a drunk. Yeah, our Magnolia was hit once.

We lost a tree last summer and I felt worse than we lost Maggie, but we knew Maggie was old, sick, and crazy.  We didn’t know the tree was sick.

Today the park had to chop down the tree in front of our house. Took them all morning, and I can’t get over how sad it made me.