I never let myself get caught in a massive line of traffic, especially at the end, because a teacher I worked with 20 years ago died the same way.
I was bring a group of kids home from a Robotics competition when we about to be caught in a line of traffic and I immediately got off the highway. Freaked them out a bit – but I told them what happened to Ms Meriweather, and I hope they remember it. I get off soon as possible and use my GPS to find an alternative route.
I didn’t know for sure, but I’m told that she got hit driving a small car, by a truck, in a line of cars in Fort Worth. Supposedly her body was burned beyond recognition. Happened on the first day of spring break.
I sure hope they came out of okay, though I know one didn’t. I never liked Tracy Morgan on SNL, but it hasn’t been good since the Blue Brothers. And the music is always a mistake.
I really liked him on Tanked though, and thought he was really funny about sharks.