I don't get to keep my insurance - comparing the new plan vs. the one I lost
January 19, 2014
We were notified in September that there was no longer an Active Care 3.
I currently pay $496 a month, my employer pays $300.
I will pay $329 this year, but it's gone up every year. I think I had the better deal. I will definately be more out of pocket.
My deductible was $300, now it is $1000
My out of pocket max was $1000, now it is $4000
Co insurance is still 80%/20%
Preventative Care is still 100%
Radiology is the same.
Inpatient Hospital is the same
Emerency room is the same
Output surgery is the same
Prescription drug deductible was $75 and now $200
Prescription drugs are higher retail, same mail order