Met @SHanselman last night!
August 28, 2013
I met Scott Hanselman finally. Toi Wright and the DFW ASP.NET user group brought him here to Dallas. I know her from Geeks in Pink. I joined the user group specifically for the talk. I've done some ASP.NET, but not much.
I've tweeted Scott a few times, asking him packing advice, corresponded with him on diabetes issues and harassed him over his kids and Legos (since I coach two US FIRST FTC Robotics teams). He even tweets me back.
I've followed his blog forever, especially his diabetes advice. I've listened to his podcast. Yes, I'm a fan. Meeting consisted of tweeting him in advance and telling him to watch for a small beagle Diabetes Assistance Dog – and yes, she was the only dog there – and saying hello to him before his talk.
He tweeted me this morning. <brag>
Meeting him wasn't as cool as meeting Clint Rutkas, as I've had lots of time to pick his brain – but then Clint does Xbox stuff, and I teach Xbox stuff. (And why does Microsoft Office insist on spelling Xbox, Xbox and not XBox?) I don't do much ASP stuff.
I did have an awesome time. Toi knows how to put on a user group. I also always manage to win door prizes….I did last night.
I think I wore Dulce out though.