Fill Last Week
June 21, 2012
Had a fill last week.
I’ve lost about 4 pounds but it’s part of the same 5 pounds I keep losing over and over.
But it’s the best fill I’ve had.
For those who don’t know, I got a lap band in May of 2009. I lost about 20 pounds, most of it during the surgical process. The company that managed the surgery and after care has since gone out of business and there was a good reason.
Their first fill tech was horrible. She did it entirely by guess, and it’s a miracle she didn’t make more mistakes. As it is, I went around with a band way too tight for a year.
They finally went with a surgeon who charged way too much for me, even on insurance, but got me straightened out, and finally was feeling better about things.
But still have been losing the same 5 pounds.
This time I went to a new place, who does the fills for $50. Forrest Park Medical, and they were great. They also do the fills under flouroscope, and are very quick and good. I was able to follow their instructions through the whole post phase, and am doing well.
See my frustration: (weight loss graph)