Just about over being mad at Johnson & Johnson
December 31, 2011
That’s who bought Animas, the company that makes my insulin pump (for my non-diabetes readers). I have had a perception that Customer Service isn’t as good since they were bought out, and that was confirmed in September, when I didn’t get my diabetes supplies and couldn’t get ahold of anyone who could help.
Good news, is that I didn’t run out of supplies, and that they finally got shipped. Not there fault, as those who know me know I’m a planner and have never run out of essentials. I might leave the house without, but that’s another issue.
Anyway, my meter failed on Christmas day (hey, at least it wasn’t the pump), and not only did they get a new pump out to me, but I received a box of TWO cases today. Oh, and I was right, when they ship out a replacement meter, it DOES come with a new case, so I ended up with three brand new cases.
Not a bad thing since I have beagles who like to eat anything that smells like me, and because I have a happy of wiping the excess blood on the case. Yeah, TMI.
But my case hasn’t been holding my test strips and they go flying around the room on a regular basis, so a replacement was a good thing.