Status Update
September 30, 2010
First, I was released from Physical Therapy last week, and I am just getting used to having those 4 hours back. I’m still very stiff and have muscle pains everywhere but the right knee.
Today is the first day I missed a workout that I didn’t have PT scheduled in the afternoon. Just tired and had trouble waking up. Not sure if I’ll try to make the workout up at all. I’m just exhausted between not sleeping well before a staff development and my dog training schedule. I have three late night classes right now, and it’s hard to wind down. I need to schedule a nap before I go to class.
Fit4D is a bit disappointing as it takes SO long from them to ramp up. I finally got a strength workout from them yesterday, but haven’t had a chance to try anything.
My biggest problem is my food issues – I’m still binging, especially when I’m tired. The good news is that I haven’t had a food incident since Saturday night, so I might have just tried too fast. Those who read this will remember I had gotten to the point I couldn’t eat any real food and had to have an unfill from my lapband. Still not happy with it.