Yes, I am having a car wreck day.
Since the two car wrecks, May 8 and May 26, both caused by the driver behind me, I have more stiffness and pain then usual. Of course, I blame the original pain and stiffness on a wreck I had when I was 20,but still.
By the way, getting treatment was fun. I have good car insurance, with PMI, and so did the second driver. The first driver, another story.
I finally found an outfit that is located near where my husband and I met, not close to us, but doable. Best yet, it’s on the way home from where I work part time.
They are good, got me feeling better yesterday, but I’m back to aches and pains today already. Won’t be able to do more rehab until Friday, but at least I know what types of things to do to help.
By the way, I’ve been doing a great job walking each day and am up to 25 minutes!
As to the May 8th accident. I still haven’t gotten a bill from my chiropractor, who was supposed to send me what he sent to my insurance company. I need to email them and check on that and see if I can get a copy and submit it to the first insurance company. They tell me I can get a claim for that, we’ll see.
The good news is that I get a check yesterday for the damages. Only half of what the car company estimated, but oh well, they got off light.
Nationwide beats them hands down – they paid my deductible about a week after the accident and settled for the two days off at the same time. I’m supposed to get money from my insurance company too, and letting the rehab place deal with them getting paid by the insurance company.
Fun stuff.
Can you imagine what having good insurance is going to be like after Obama care, when you can’t get a doctor to take auto insurance now?