NORDSTROM - Shop Womens workout and activewear
Stepped up the activity level
My Favorite Spreadsheet

Things could be better

I'm gaining and losing the same 3 pounds.  However, I'm at a place I was at for quite a time, so I'm not real surprised.  Also, food that shouldn't be in my house has been coming into the house.

Blood sugar is running a tad high.  I think the two are related.  Don't know for sure.  I think I'll keep everything where they are at for a few days. 

I'm also trying to make a major decision.  I've applied for a different job in my school district.  It means being a huge influence on the district but leaving children.  It means 30 minutes extra a day on the road.  The job is open until next Tuesday, so I won't hear anything until after that.

First agility trial in a while is this weekend and Saturday's weather looks good.
