It's really no fun being Campus Technologist because you can't have a moment off, you can't go to the teacher's lounge, or anywhere else without that hat on. Heck, I was supposed to be doing summer camp last two weeks and spent most of my day dealing with technology stuff.
Don't get me wrong -- I spent the four hours with the kids, but spent another four hours dealing with stuff while off the clock.
At least I don't have to deal with those issues now and most of them are completed.
Agility practice was good. Macy still doesn't understand delayed gratification and her early runs were all about looking for the cookies in the grass. Part of that had to do with me getting their late, having to go to the restroom, etc.
Later runs got better though.
Also she didn't hestitate at the teeter at all. I'm vowing not to call it a teeter next show.
Maggie was good too. I screwed up the course first run, Elizabeth called me on it, and Maggie wandered off and didn't want to come back. The rest of our runs were great, especially the last one when I found myself head of her at the dogwalk and was able to do a blind cross. She didn't like that the first time, bellowed and went around me, even though my hand was out.
Second time though, she did get it right, without complaining.
She hadn't see that before but once she saw it worked, she was cool with it.
Two more days of teacher stuff and unfortunately it's over in far East Garland. Putting lots of miles on the car this week, four drives to Ft. Woth, one to McKinney, two to Garland, one to Plano, and one to Arlington. <sigh>