Day 6 after Surgery
May 27, 2009
Survive the day from hell -- okay it wasn't that bad, but came back to an email inbox full of requests. Also was a bit dumb, because I got excited because the wireless was up. Walked the front of the building and answered a Dean question. (Dean is the Associate Principal of Instruction - title used to be Dean, and I like it).
Had to do some work in the library -- so ended up walking the buiding at lunch.
Had a middle school meeting after school. Unfortunately I was the second lead on that project, so had to be up and participating.
Fire alarm went off at 6:30, and a really nice lady took my stuff down for me.
Got home at almost 7:00 - fed dogs, chilled for a few minutes and walked on the treadmill for 20 minutes.
Then couldn't get the brain to shut down. Finally took a sleeping pill and Tylenol which might have been a little too much but sleep until almost time to wake up (okay, woke up a couple of times but rolled over and went back to sleep). Was constipated with nothing in me, which like the anaesthologist said on surgery day, is no fun when you are on a clear diet.
See surgeon today and is last day of clear liquids.
Blood sugar was a bit rocky yesterday -- but I am clearly still diabetic -- see those entries and yes, I need to figure out why contribute screws up my date and time stamps.
Priority today: grading!