Rest of the New Orleans Trip
March 19, 2009
First -- I am home and Second -- I had a good time.
Rich and I went out again after my feet were feeling better. Took the cable car up and bought tickets for the dinner cruise.
We then went to Margaretiville -- it was loud, it was a bar though they did serve the usual Margartiville stuff. Yes, I love Jimmy Buffet music, but I"m not a drinker. Did some shopping by my feet were still bothering me.
We made it back via cable car to the cruise boat stop and did some exploring there, but mostly sat by the river, watched it go by and enjoyed the people.
They played the Callilope while we were waiting, which was very nice.
The cruise was great but there were a lot of loud people and smokers.
Dinner was good. Fine New Orleans food for a change instead of the tourist/peasant food we'd been eating. We made it back to the hotel room but I didn't sleep good.
I woke up aching this morning, between arthitis and the blister starting I could barely move and I was in a nasty mood. We did have breakfast, and it was good.
We took our time, packed and checked out, as we were both French Quarted out. Drove around the suburbs, especially in the area where I hung out when I was in college (I dated a guy from there). Did some shopping (got better socks) and then had husband drop me at the airport.
Managed to get my luggage out on the first flight, me on the second and was booked for the third. I was the last boarder on my flight.
It was nice to come home to a clean house and fed dogs.
Husband is in Vicksburg gambling.
Life would be better if I wasn't as heavy as I am now.