Jury Duty
March 24, 2009
I survived jury duty today even with diabetes and heading towards a liquid diet.
First, I have a basal program I call "workshop", it basically means that I'm going to sit around all day and probably be a bit stressed. To create it, I went to several workshops and played with my temporary basal until I figured out how much more of a percent I needed for a day like that, and then created the new basal pattern based on the old. Before 8:00 am is still the same, and 4:00 pm and after are still the same.
I've biten myself in the butt by switching to it too fast, so I usually wait until I get there to turn it on, as I never know how much I have to walk to get to the workshop. Most of the time it's park close in the same lot and walk in, but this wasn't.
So I drank a slim-fast in the car on the way, and didn't switch my basal until I was actually in the jury room and waiting. I checked my blood sugar in the jury room and it wasn't bad.
I was sent up for a panel about 10:00 am and at about 11:00 during voir dire, I checked my blood sugar. Unfortunately I got picked, so when the bailiff showed us the jury room, I asked to talk to her in private after. Explained to her I was insulin dependent and on a pump. I asked if testing my blood sugar was a problem, and said I might need to eat something (by the way, I've been keeping a couple of Slim Fast bar meals in my bag for just in case, since you really need the Slim Fast refrigatored).
As planned, I ate my Diet Gourmet lunch in the car.
A word about security. I set off the metal detector each time but what REALLY worried them was the handcuff key (I had to give it up the second time), and the electrical cords. Sorry, but I've got one of each kind in my bag for the consumer electronic items. I also freaked out one of my fellow juries with them but oh well. And they didn't even get to see the laptop as I ditched it in the car after I was picked for the jury.
I was close to time to testing when the judge did a conference with the lawyers and tested them, but my blood sugar slowly was creeping upwards.
I also did eat a bar during one of our breaks, as I didn't want to drop my calorie level too much today. As it was, I missed a bar in the morning that I usually do.
All in all, it wasn't a bad experience, and I'm glad I don't have to deal with it for at least another 6 months. That's our county rules -- only one jury every six months.
Weird coindence, Amy at Diabetes Mine had jury duty today too, but hers was a lot less boring.