Whew! It was finally delivered last Wednesday. Hmmm, I've had the pump since May and couldn't use the software until last week.
First, the carb counting and the blood sugar is recorded by the pump now and shows up on the reports. That is what I've waited two pump releases for -- I certainly would have implemented that in the IR1250 if I had been then. In fact, I was shocked to see that didn't occur when I received and downloaded the IR1250.
The problems....
All of the existing bugs I could test for are still there.
You cannot edit or delete items from the food database using the EzManager PC Software. All you can do is delete all the favorites.
You can delete individual items from the food database, but you can not edit them, even though there is a item for edit in the menu.
One new thing that bothers me, you cannot add injections to the log from the PC version of the program. However, you can add them via both the Palm version and through the Ultra Smart meter. In fact, the Ultra Smart is a good way to enter in exercise data too.
I do wish Animas would clean up and fix EzManager. It's a good program but a few small failings hurt it.
Oh, and I can't test this one -- did they ever fix the Freestyle upload? It doesn't handle Freestyle data correctly from October through December if I remember the bug correctly.