Saw my endo in the morning. A1C was 6.6 Primary care physician didn't seem to understand why Endo is doing the bloodwork he did (mostly kidney/liver function).
I am still congested, but not as bad and no infection, but I'm going to be competing in a horse barn this weekend -- very large barn, but it's still a barn. Endo sent me home with Nasanx. Primary care sent me home with Nasanx and Singular. I need to find out if Singular is compatible with diabetes.
Also ran dog by the vet to check out her allergies. Would be a shame if I feel better and she feels worse. She's on a different anti-hystimine.
Also discussed knee with both doctors. Endo gave me the suggestion of cartridge injection, and I'm going to look into it. If I could have a year or so without pain, sleep would be better, and probably exercise too.
A1c was 6.6. Not a bad one, but it's been better. Everything else is stable.
And the bad news? Neither had flu vaccine. Primary care was supposed to get in some today but it had not arrived, so I'm trolling for flu vaccine.