Preparing for Pittsburg
July 19, 2006
The biggest thing that worries me about this trip is the lack of transportation. I'm staying in the dorms at CMU, and so no quick dashes to Walmart.
The plan is to have husband take me to the airport, fly to Pittsburg, get on a bus to CMU, and get off at the end of the line where the dorm checkin is. The workshop is going to feed us all meals except Saturday dinner which we have to find off campus. I'm also assuming lunch on Monday will also not be provided.
My aunt is picking me up on Monday, and I am flying back on Tuesday.
I've packed at least one extra days of clothing, double the amount of sets I need, and double the amount of syringes -- learned that lesson at Shawnee. I've packed travel toiletries (in zip lock bags).
I've done something different with my medications. I usually use those SMTWTFS pill organizers, and found on my first trip with them that you have to tape them shut as they open in your luggage. This time, Walgreens had pill pouches that you use a sharpee to label. While you can't tell at a glance what you've taken, like you can with the organizers, at least I shouldn't have to worry about them all dumping.
I'm taking three bags (which I'm supposed to be allotted since I am carrying medical devices. I have a carryon bags with wheels that has my clothing, my sets, and my back up test strips. I've also got my shampoo and stuff like that along with an emergency supply of carbs, all in zip lock bags in case something melts or comes open. Nightgown and robe too.
My second bag will have my CPAP machine, emergency battery, and mask.
My third bag is a large Ameribag, and will carry my two small pouches I use for a purse, and all my normal supplies that I carry just in case. Emergency sets, emergency assortment of carbs, contact lens stuff, glasses (though I don't usually carry them, usually I just have spare contacts), pills, etc. I'm also taking an extra unopened box containing Insulin and one containing Symlin.
I refuse to check any of those bags. I could possibily survive without the first one, but don't want to, especially since I'll use it to carry the rest -- I can strap the other two bags to it and have.
And on the other hand, if I show up at the airport on Friday in Dallas and there are any weird things going on with flights, I'll smile sweetly and ask for a refund on my fare. That's what I did the last time I tried a trip like this.