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July 2006

Horrible Night

I need to start tracking this -- I'm not sure if it is a Sunday night thing, but suspect it is, but man, I had a hard time going to sleep last night and I kept waking up. I know I looked at the clock at about 2:15, and about 5:10.

I was hoping the Requip would help, and it might, but I think I really wanted the Sonata last night.

More on Sleep Doctor

I forgot to mention -- my weight was 1 pound higher than it was last month, and I really expected to have about a 5 pound weight gain, so I feel really good about that.

I tried the Requip last night and today I have much less leg pain than i've had. I'm always suffering from some type of repetive type stress injury and it always seems worse in the morning so I have been wondering if restless leg was a contributer.

I am going to have to be careful dog training, this morning I did something very smart -- I needed to do an after breakfast correction but also knew I was going to be doing conformation with the pup for an hour long class, so I did only half the correction reasoning that I could fix it the rest of the way after the class.

That was a smart move because towards the end of class, I was down to under 115. I doubt I would have made it through the class if I had done the full suggestion correction.

And my blood sugar is stablizing, and I"m seeing a lot of good numbers again lately.

If I can just get one more hour of sleep a day, I think I'll be fine. It's mostly getting to bed early enough.

Sleep Doctor

Once I got in, the visit went quick. The machine shows that I have been using it an average of 7 hours a day, the least 5 hours, the most 10 hours. It also shows that it is controlling my apnea at the level it is set. Now that I have data to the doctor I can switch machines to the real one -- this one is still a loaner, according to the DME, so I definately have to get a different machine.

And it is an auto CPAP. It has the wrong manual in the bag, so no wonder I was confused.

I've gotten a script for Sonata to try to get to sleep and I have a 2-week sample kit of Requip as I have been found with restless leg and I keep wondering if that is what keeps me from going to sleep well. I think I'll try the Requip first, then go for the Sonata.

It won't hurt to have the Sonata around for the first week of school (which is only about 4 weeks away!).

By the way, summer school is almost done. We're TAKS testing Exit level next week which shouldn't affect me since most of my students are listed at 9th or 10th graders (I don't think any are listed as any higher, and the grade level on my pink sheets is what the state thinks -- one of those things. A kid that has been going to school with 11th graders think they are an 11th grader even though they only have enough credits to be a 9th grader. Yes that happens).

The teachers are supposed to meet about finals on Tuesday. Don't know if that is before or after school yet.

It's going well though and I've enjoyed it. I don't think I'll ever teach summer school on a campus different than mine, but I am enjoying do it at my school. Especially since I"m back in my room the way it is supposed to be. I"m going to do some tweaking soon.

Waiting at the doctor's office

I just got to the sleep doctor, checked in and sat down when the nurse came out to the waiting room and announced the doctor was running behind.

Frankly, and I told her, I appreciate knowing these things. My gynocolist used to have a board and a clock to tell patients when he was expected to be done with a delivery.


Though I think I hit a low this afternoon. I started doing rational things somewhat irrationally. That is a good sign of low blood sugar and while I should have tested, I just treated the low and went on.

The good news is that my blood sugar this morning was 108, my postpanial have been good, and I'm back on track exercising.

The bad news is that I see my sleep doctor tomorrow. He still drives me nuts but I need to remember to talk to him about insurance.

Light at the end of the tunnel

Most of my postprandial blood sugars have been below 200 today, and a lot under 150. Looks like I am making progress.

However, my knee is killing me. It's okay sitting.

Oh, and the local storms seemed to have knocked out the DSL. Yeah, I have all kinds of ways of connecting. Right now I'm doing DUN over Bloothtooth with my Treo and MiniMac. It works pretty well.

Happy Fourth of July!

Our neighborhood had it's yearly 4th of July parade. We have a park in front of our house, and since we've moved in, we've been and come to the parade each year. This year, since I had three dogs, and husband is working, I drove the truck over. Wise move, as I could leave the dogs in their cages and visit with the neighbors. Otherwise I would have been completely tied up, since i was when I had the dogs out.

Blood sugar was high again when I woke up -- I may need to have basal rate adjusted if that continues. I am wondering how much it is due to dealing with puppy. I woke up at my usual time, took her out and fed everyone and then went back to bed.

I crashed last night after my least mini-season on the treadmill. As of today, I'm up to 8 minutes per meal, but I'm having to break it up into 2 sets of 4. My knee will let me do 7, but not real often and not much more, so I'm stopping at 4. I've done two 8 minute session so far today but started to crash after the second. Had an 86. In other words, I'm doing a bit of rollar coastering, but I think it will get better once I get used to the new routine with the puppy.

Still running high

My blood sugar was at 125 this morning -- down from 135 last week, but still way to high. I like to be around 100.

Of course, getting up with the pup and messing around for a bit might be affecting my dawn syndrome -- which I definately have.

Was watching DLife -- I've gotten through about half the show -- and both sides of the debate agree that dawn syndrome exists.

By the way, I have Bernstein's books -- and his lifestyle is WAY to restrictive. I think the reason he has success is that patients already have complications AND know what he is about before they see him. You have to be extremely motivated to be able to follow his diet and plan.

Plus he doesn't think pumping is a good option.

I think that the average Type 2 has too many environmental factors working against them to ever be successful on as restrictive plan as Bernstein's. Think of Adkins, but also restrict fat and protein.