CDE Visit
September 28, 2005
Went to the CDE this afternoon. A1C is 6.0. Because of my student's background (especially the new to the country), doctor and CDE decided on both the flu and the pnuemonia shot, so I have those done.
The best news: 36 pounds since I started seeing them in March 2004. I've lost 15 pounds since Symlin (June -- new medication).
A1C of 6.0 is exceptionally good. It is my best. The ADA goal is 7.0, the doctor office's goal is 6.5 so the doctor is VERY VERY happy. That's also without any treatable lows.
We did some tweaking of basals -- I am having some excusions (high 180-240) and they usually cause food cravings. Hopefully that will stop as a result.