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Much happier with my Treo

Cingular posted an update on the Palm website for the Treo. I've got 6 meg of memory back, which I am slowly using it up.

The best news is that I can hook up my notebook via bluetooth and get internet access. It's faster than dialup, slower than broadband, and might get me through problems I'm anticipating for next year.

I'm actually relying on the Treo much more than I did before.

My next debate -- is do I get a bluetooth headset. I'm thinking not. I don't talk on the phone that much, and I'll lose the headset in my hair. It's bad enough to see someone walking around talking to themselves and seeing a cord, but it makes it really weird when you don't see any visible means.

I'm also thinking about a keyboard. I actually did buy one, but it was a universal one, and wasn't fun to use with the Treo. The Treo 600 keyboard spoiled me, because it has keys for specific Treo functions.