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I love my Treo!

While I REALLY want a Treo 650 -- I'll probably skip that number and wait for the one after.

But I live and die by my Treo. I have EzManager by Animas installed, TakePhone -- mostly save on phone bills since my long distance is not completely free, 2Day, Today+ and Snappermail. Also have a few games, music, etc.

Here's how my day goes -- I check my Treo, because it tells me when I need to change my site (through ToDo and 2Day). I warn myself the day before, and have a note to do it.

Whenever I eat, I enter my food and let EzManager calculate my insulin. I also have Butler setup to remind me to check my blood sugar 2 hours after I usually eat breakfast and 2 hours after our lunch.

I also enter my blood sugar when it is too high so I can get a correction. I do wish it would do an Insulin on Board Correction, but maybe someday. I should also sit down and figure out how to do that myself.

I use Snappermail and the web interface to take brief breaks from the real world to check email and what is happening on the web.

I've even gone so far as so get a portable keyboard and I use it to take notes.

And yes, I use the phone ... it is SO nice to have it all in one package, wish it would actually DO a blood sugar test.

Wireless-Doc (the Weblog)