Not a good day
March 17, 2004
Saw the sleep doctor and at least got one thing I wanted, a different mask. I really don't like the one I have now. We're going with a full face mask and I wonder why we did'nt do that before, as I have no problem with wearing the mask -- this will elimate the need for a chin strap, so no more guilt about not wearing one. I'm sorry ,but I have very thick curly hair and anything I put on my head slides right off.
I want a new CPAP. Mine is 6 years old, and I find it hard to believe it won't fail someday. And if it DOES fail, it will be in the middle of the night and I won't be able to sleep. It probably WILL fail on a Friday night.
Anyway, most of the conversation was about weight. I've gained 20 pounds since I was there last.
I wish there was an answer, but I don't think there is one. At any rate, I am very depressed over the whole visit.