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Endo visit
New Tweak worked today...

More CPAP musings....

I used the new CPAP last night for the first time. Man is it quiet!

It has also saved me quite a bit of driving time and hassle. I was supposed to pick up an oxymeter today from Baylor, which means driving downtown, finding a parking space, taking the elevator up, waiting for people to get their acts together, etc.

Then I have to sleep with the blasted thing, meaning I'll wait up 3 or 4 times (been there, done that, literally), so I will be tired tomorrow.

Then I have to haul it back to Baylor.

SO, instead, I'll take the new machine up there next Friday when I'm off and deal with it and the doctor then. Not sure I want to deal with the doctor, since I think I was thinking logically and I don't think she was

The nicest thing though, is being able to pack up everything in one carry one sized bag. Especially since I am supposed to go to St. Louis in June.