I was asked to look at this program.
I'll start out though by saying this is probably not a program I would use because I'm extremely efficient. I am not going to use a program that is not going to automatic download my pump and blood sugar meter data. That said, I did download this program and give it a try.
UTS Diabetes software for Palm pilot
The install program is very nice. It leads the users by the hand. Too many Palm programs have poorly designed installation programs.
The insulin calculations set up is very tedious but then that's something that you don't do often, and don't change much.
I also don't see how to calculate carbs / insulin rations.
It's got a very good user interface -- much better than EzManager.
A nice program, but not that useful for a pumper. Would be great for someone who used multiple daily injections and didn't carb count, or great for someone on medications.