I've been frustrated because I'm still limited in what I can do.
Before I fell, I could get my dogs to the show ring, show my dogs and get them back to the car myself. I didn't need a mobility aid.
Physical therapy has been kicking my butt, and on physical therapy days, I've haven't been able to do much.
Today was a PT. I took it easy in the afternoon, and ordered pizza for dinner. I usually try to cook. I got my husband to put the puppy in the truck for me, and we made it to dog class. I was able to lift him, stack him and stand long enough for the exam. I moved him, but not fast enough for him to look good. I also took a lot of short cuts in moving him, so I didn't have to go as far.
I also got a load of laundry in the washer and from the washer to the dryer. Something I was having to do one process at time.
The pain is definitely muscle pain. I have a knot of muscles above the knee that hurt tonight. The pain moves from their to my hip muscles to the muscles below my knee.
I also got another dog to the vet, but she and the vet staff did all the lifting. She happily hops into the truck unlike the puppy who has to be pushed and dragged.
Today was the end of 6 weeks of PT, and they are asking for 4 more weeks.