Sunday, April 03, 2011
10:45 AM
Did not compete on Saturday due to robotics club - She did very well considering the heat.
Open Standard

Did the teeter. Ran straight up, waited for it to hit the ground then hopped off but fully in yellow paint. Bad weave entry and popped out early.
Missed the 13 jump and went over wrong way. Good try and it is coming.
It is hot!
Open JWW
If you complete all three assignments, I want you to find additional articles on cyber crime. You must complete all three assignments to receive credit for addtional assignments. 
Interesting course.
Lots of crosses considering some blind.
Everyone liked her but bobbled the weaves again. Did work far from me but was slow because of the heat. But wasn't as slow as she has been, and I was able to send her away from me. She got ALL the jumps in JWW.