It was interesting.
Her first weekend was last July at Dallas Market Hall. She was scrawny then. We got beat every day by the same dog, a relative. She was just a day into the 1 year to 18 month class. I didn’t know how to move her, and had trouble with her turning into jelly puppy.
This was her second weekend, again, both days beat by the same dog a relative. The difference was today. I hadn’t figured out how to show her and she kept turning into jelly puppy. She was doing that in conformation class. However, this time, both days she moved really well. I had jelly puppy again – or something I call the leaning tower of beagle. This morning I decided I’d put her on the table, let her adjust herself, and then keep her in place. That worked VERY nicely. No leaning. No jelly.
Both show sites are crowded but at least there is somewhat close parking to be found at Dallas Market Hall. Yesterday I got sent to the far side of the building and ended up parking a long way from the building. Too far to carry chair, dog and belongings. I think the situation put all of us off.
We are at the Double W Arena and it was packed. I would not have wanted to show in obedience there. Conformation was hard enough. Yesterday really wore me down as I didn’t have a chair and there were no chairs to be had. I did help the other owner/handlers though and had a good time.
Today was much better. I was able to park within site of the door and was able to bring in a chair. A steward did ask me to move closer to the ring, but I did explain I was trying to stay out of it. Again I could help the other owner handlers, but even more so, being the deposit point for people as they went into the ring. I had a good time and my breeder had good things to say both how my dog looked and how she showed. This time I let her do the work and show herself, both on the floor and the table, and she did much better.
However, I’m looking forward to being back “home” in agility next weekend, and back at Market Hall the week after. I will say agility is more “fun” because we all have a chance to win when we really don’t in conformation.