I will give you that I have not put Dulce in many (or any, I think) situations where she had to think in deep dirt, but still I was dismayed and appalled at her behavior.
Now, she actually did recalls better at EE's and she did a nice table. However, she had no sits, but did have downs, but no down stays. Had no intention of every looking at my eyes, and decided that burying her head in the dirt was a better idea than walking on a leash. And when I finally figured out I had no control over her head and decided to switch to her show leash we were done.
Being able to shape all kinds of behaviors is all fine and good. BUT you need to get stays, walking on a leash, etc. there. Training with a self-proclaimed ADD person is also not a good idea, because guess what, you don't get stays, walking on a leash, etc.
At least I'm in a decent class, with an organized instructor with clear ideas.